Kenho Okura
Representative Director
In various regions of the world, and among all industries, it is likely that reducing environmental impact will become an increasingly important challenge. The construction industry is no exception. I believe that wooden architecture, which is more eco-friendly than steel or reinforced concrete constructions, will become a vital key to solve this challenge. In order to have wooden architecture increasingly embraced in the world, however, it is necessary to overcome what conventional wooden architecture could not achieve. We, STROOG, want to take the role to advance wooden architecture and to contribute to the realization of both technologically and culturally excellent architecture.

Yoshikuni Okura
Executive Director
The strengths of STROOG are not only the ability to develop technologies and designs but also the ability to promptly propose resolutions for issues. I would like STROOG to be known as a company who can deliver solutions to any wooden architectural challenges no matter how hard they are. In order to achieve this, it is setbacks that I put my value on as an engineer. It is impossible to create something new without taking a setback seriously and utilizing the experience for the future. I am firmly committed never to give up until achieving success so that STROOG can boast “second-to-none technology and expertise”.