You can download various data about STROOG products.
Our technical documentation, including technical books, is available after registration from in the Services menu.
→ Enquiry form for registration

Before using our download service, please ensure to read and accept the following terms and conditions.

  1. All the data provided in this service is subject to copyright and ownership of Stroog Inc.
  2. Any part of, or the entire data may not be changed, deleted, or copied without permission.
  3. Stroog Inc. is not liable for loss or damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the data.
  4. Although Stroog Inc. makes every effort to maintain the correctness of the contents of the data, Stroog Inc. does not warrant its correctness, usefulness, and safety.
  5. The contents of the data are subject to change without prior notice due to product or technical improvements.
  6. This download service may be suspended or terminated without prior notice.
  7. Since some data may contain information such as precaution statements across multiple pages, make sure to download all the pages when downloading.
  8. The prices indicated in the documents are the manufacturer’s suggested retail price for the product only, excluding any cost of construction work, consumption tax, or shipping, unless otherwise indicated.
  9. The actual product color may differ from the printed image in the documents.